...just not too much of it.
In case you haven't heard:
My thought has always been boy. The midwife even said that the mom is right about 73 percent of the time. So, as you can guess, I am surprised my baby is a girl; I should obviously never gamble. I told Daniel I felt like I know more about boys, so this was going to be interesting. He looked at me with a puzzled face and said "but you are a girl!" Well, yes I am, but boys make more sense to me. I am excited though, I would have been excited either way, but now I know that I can buy things with sparkles on them! Girls clothes are way more fun(at this point I'm trying to convince Daniel to let me put her in a tutu).
Now we can really start thinking of names. My top two are currently Noel and Juliet. Noel is great because it's a built in Christmas card. Take a picture of the adorable baby with blocks that spell out Noel, slap it on a card and there you go! The TV show Psych was my inspiration for Juliet. My last name just makes it even more epic. Juliet Spencer, that's right, like if Jules married Sean. Fans of the show understand how awesome that makes it. I might find a name even more awesome later on though, who knows.
I'm looking forward to my little princess, so bring on the pink!(Just not too much of it, variety is the spice of life and little girls look cute in purple too! Not to mention all the colors of the rainbow)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
My New Career Plan
Throughout my life I have had many different plans for careers, as I think most people have.
When I was little I wanted to be this:
A Veterinarian. I feel I'm pretty good around animals, and most pet-loving children want to grow up to be Vets, am I right? This Career goal ended in about Junior High. I didn't want to be in school long enough to make that happen.
In Junior High my new Career Goal sprouted. It being this:
A Published Author. A Published Poet, to more exact. While I would still like to have some of my things published at some point, I realized this was not a solid career goal. To make it in this career you have to be very dedicated, forcing yourself to write every day, and I just don't have that kind of self-motivation.
High school classes helped me to narrow my search. I liked health, and I was pretty good at it, so that's where I started looking next. I knew I didn't want to be a nurse (yuck, poop), so I thought the following was a good idea:
Radiology Technologist. I kept this plan for quite some time. I have broken a lot of bones, so why not help people who have broken bones! It was after my first semester of college, and realizing basically no one gets into this program. It's very competitive, and I didn't want to have to apply 60 billion times.
For a brief time (while still having radiology on the back burner) I thought about doing this:
No, I did not want to be Alton Brown, just an awesome chef like him. I thought about going to culinary school instead of college to learn the tools of the trade. Much like the poetry dream, I would still like to live this one out a little. My eventual (Eventual meaning when I'm like 50 or so) goal is to open my own bakery.
I obviously went back to radiology considering I went to Weber State and not The Art Institute of America. So, after radiology seemed to be a bust, but still looking in the health field, I turned to this:
Respiratory Therapist. It is what I have classes for now, and will likely get my degree in.
Life isn't always simple however. What I have worked is this:
Which was not a bad job. It was pretty fun actually. People were often not so smart, and I had to work strange hours, but other than that I had a good time. However, I decided to abandon that for this:
Not a beautiful young doctor, but a person who serves the beautiful young doctors their food. I did not enjoy this job. I tried to, but I could not. Some days I would just sit and cry because I had to go to work (even before I was pregnant). So I decided to abandon that for this:
Oh wait, that's right, I quit without something else to do. I've been looking for something easy, temporary, and not very many hours to help me fill some time and help save for the creature growing in my stomach. It has been suggested that I go back to this:
That might not be such a bad idea, however, today I thought of a very different, easy, temporary, not very many hours career choice. Which brings us to the title of this post (I know you are all excited, since it's taken forever to get here), My new career plan:
I am going to get a monkey, and I am going to get an organ grinder. I will teach said monkey to play said organ grinder and we will sit on street corners where people will give us money. Plus, as an added bonus, I will teach the monkey to clap when people give us money, making all the people say "AWWWW" so they will want to give us more money! Seems pretty solid to me!
Okay, enough with the silliness. The past few months have really made me realize that all I really want to be is this:

No, I do not want to be a bride again. Once was enough for that. For this I am looking at the two beautiful women next to me (No Nicholle, you do not look like a Cardassian). I do not wish to be my sisters, though I do wish to be like them in one very distinctive way. I want to be good mother. My sisters are both wonderful examples of this, as is my own wonderful mother. If I can do that, be a good mom, then none of the rest of it really seems to matter much, does it?
When I was little I wanted to be this:
A Veterinarian. I feel I'm pretty good around animals, and most pet-loving children want to grow up to be Vets, am I right? This Career goal ended in about Junior High. I didn't want to be in school long enough to make that happen.
In Junior High my new Career Goal sprouted. It being this:
A Published Author. A Published Poet, to more exact. While I would still like to have some of my things published at some point, I realized this was not a solid career goal. To make it in this career you have to be very dedicated, forcing yourself to write every day, and I just don't have that kind of self-motivation.
High school classes helped me to narrow my search. I liked health, and I was pretty good at it, so that's where I started looking next. I knew I didn't want to be a nurse (yuck, poop), so I thought the following was a good idea:
Radiology Technologist. I kept this plan for quite some time. I have broken a lot of bones, so why not help people who have broken bones! It was after my first semester of college, and realizing basically no one gets into this program. It's very competitive, and I didn't want to have to apply 60 billion times.
For a brief time (while still having radiology on the back burner) I thought about doing this:
No, I did not want to be Alton Brown, just an awesome chef like him. I thought about going to culinary school instead of college to learn the tools of the trade. Much like the poetry dream, I would still like to live this one out a little. My eventual (Eventual meaning when I'm like 50 or so) goal is to open my own bakery.
I obviously went back to radiology considering I went to Weber State and not The Art Institute of America. So, after radiology seemed to be a bust, but still looking in the health field, I turned to this:
Respiratory Therapist. It is what I have classes for now, and will likely get my degree in.
Life isn't always simple however. What I have worked is this:
Which was not a bad job. It was pretty fun actually. People were often not so smart, and I had to work strange hours, but other than that I had a good time. However, I decided to abandon that for this:
Not a beautiful young doctor, but a person who serves the beautiful young doctors their food. I did not enjoy this job. I tried to, but I could not. Some days I would just sit and cry because I had to go to work (even before I was pregnant). So I decided to abandon that for this:
Oh wait, that's right, I quit without something else to do. I've been looking for something easy, temporary, and not very many hours to help me fill some time and help save for the creature growing in my stomach. It has been suggested that I go back to this:
That might not be such a bad idea, however, today I thought of a very different, easy, temporary, not very many hours career choice. Which brings us to the title of this post (I know you are all excited, since it's taken forever to get here), My new career plan:
I am going to get a monkey, and I am going to get an organ grinder. I will teach said monkey to play said organ grinder and we will sit on street corners where people will give us money. Plus, as an added bonus, I will teach the monkey to clap when people give us money, making all the people say "AWWWW" so they will want to give us more money! Seems pretty solid to me!
Okay, enough with the silliness. The past few months have really made me realize that all I really want to be is this:

No, I do not want to be a bride again. Once was enough for that. For this I am looking at the two beautiful women next to me (No Nicholle, you do not look like a Cardassian). I do not wish to be my sisters, though I do wish to be like them in one very distinctive way. I want to be good mother. My sisters are both wonderful examples of this, as is my own wonderful mother. If I can do that, be a good mom, then none of the rest of it really seems to matter much, does it?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Today is November 10th, NOT December 10th.
I thought this needed to be clarified considering all the Christmas talk, and decoration and such I have seen lately. Christmas has never been my favorite holiday, maybe when I was quite little, but not for a very long time. I like the true meaning, celebrating Christ. I have a hard time with the pressure it puts on people, the kids that don't get presents, the whole commercialized crap pot it has become. A month of Christmas is plenty, go ahead, the day AFTER Thanksgiving and start dealing with Christmas, though I will likely still wait until December. No other holiday starts getting celebrated 2 months in advance, it's ridiculous. Don't tell me it's because this is the most important holiday or some other bull crap like that. Easter celebrates Christ too, the resurrection, which, to me, is equal or even more important than his birth. At least with Easter we wouldn't be cutting out another IMPORTANT holiday by trying to celebrate it early. (Granted if we celebrated early it could possibly overlap with Valentines Day, however I don't like that holiday either [though that is another post] and it is definitely not an important one).
Thanksgiving is an important holiday. It helps us to realize all the amazing things we have to be thankful for in our lives. We often forget how lucky and blessed we are, and Thanksgiving helps people all over the country remember. I know we should be thankful every day, and I try to be, but Thanksgiving is something that gets people really thinking about, thinking about giving thanks. It hasn't really lost it's meaning over the years, like Christmas has, it remains pretty much pure in it's meaning. Be Thankful! So why, when this holiday is so amazing, do we try to forget and start to shove in thoughts of Christmas (not true Christmas, it's never true Christmas, it's always the commercialized present giving super stressful fest Christmas) before Thanksgiving even happens? Really you find it necessary to listen to songs about reindeer, shop, and put up a tree instead of trying to be thankful? How selfish can you be? Some might say "Well I am thankful for songs about reindeer and shopping and putting up a tree." Okay, well good for you, but it's not really the same, is it? It gets you thinking about 'Santa' and presents and stuff like that. Does it get you thinking about true Christmas, Christ and the spirit of giving? I think not. You know what would get you thinking about Christ and the spirit of giving? Thanksgiving and celebrating it. I mean the words it is composed of is Thanks and Giving for crying out loud. A true fan of Christmas, and what it should really be, will take time to not skip Thanksgiving, to give it the time it deserves, because then, and only then will you be in the right set of mind to celebrate Christmas the right way.
Disagree if you want, but I am pregnant and crazy, so I think I can take you.
P.S. Nicholle and Minda,
Tim, Shawn and I made a deal, we are boycotting everything Christmas until Thanksgiving, so that message on facebook might remain unanswered for a bit.
Thanksgiving is an important holiday. It helps us to realize all the amazing things we have to be thankful for in our lives. We often forget how lucky and blessed we are, and Thanksgiving helps people all over the country remember. I know we should be thankful every day, and I try to be, but Thanksgiving is something that gets people really thinking about, thinking about giving thanks. It hasn't really lost it's meaning over the years, like Christmas has, it remains pretty much pure in it's meaning. Be Thankful! So why, when this holiday is so amazing, do we try to forget and start to shove in thoughts of Christmas (not true Christmas, it's never true Christmas, it's always the commercialized present giving super stressful fest Christmas) before Thanksgiving even happens? Really you find it necessary to listen to songs about reindeer, shop, and put up a tree instead of trying to be thankful? How selfish can you be? Some might say "Well I am thankful for songs about reindeer and shopping and putting up a tree." Okay, well good for you, but it's not really the same, is it? It gets you thinking about 'Santa' and presents and stuff like that. Does it get you thinking about true Christmas, Christ and the spirit of giving? I think not. You know what would get you thinking about Christ and the spirit of giving? Thanksgiving and celebrating it. I mean the words it is composed of is Thanks and Giving for crying out loud. A true fan of Christmas, and what it should really be, will take time to not skip Thanksgiving, to give it the time it deserves, because then, and only then will you be in the right set of mind to celebrate Christmas the right way.
Disagree if you want, but I am pregnant and crazy, so I think I can take you.
P.S. Nicholle and Minda,
Tim, Shawn and I made a deal, we are boycotting everything Christmas until Thanksgiving, so that message on facebook might remain unanswered for a bit.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Crazy Much?
You know how sometimes when watching TV or a movie and some things are just so overexaggerated, that you are thinking "PUH-LEASE!" in your head the whole time? In the past I have had this thought about the way pregnant people are portrayed in the media. Now going through this I almost feel as though they have UNDERexaggerated how crazy the women act. I'm sure some woman stay relatively sane throughout their pregnancy. The hormones may not have as great as an effect on those women for some reason or another. Let me tell you right now, I am not one of those woman. During the few points in the day when I'm feeling fairly sane, such as right now, I realize how manic I am. I have threatened to kill Daniel at least a hundred times (I don't mean it, I promise, don't turn me into the police or anything). Bawled my eyes out over some of the most ridiculous things ever, and yet been perfectly okay with some things that should upset me. Yelling, Crying, Screaming, Laughing all within minutes of each other. I've thrown temper tantrums; I've thrown games pieces. No sane person should act like this. Daniel takes it all pretty well, occasionally I can tell he is a bit frustrated, but who wouldn't be when you are married to someone that could qualify to be in a nut house? Im grateful for him, and all the women who are willing to go through this, and much more, to bring children into the world.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The Parasite and The Penguin
Parasite- n. An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host.
Well, it looks like I have a parasite. Luckily after mine is due to exude itself approximately May 4th. In other words, I'm pregnant. Babies really are parasites though, most people just don't think of them that way.
While Daniel and I were on our honeymoon, we spent a day at Sea World. While we were there, we made a point to see the penguins, Daniel's favorite animal. It was there, at the penguin exhibit, that Daniel informed me he wanted one penguin for every child that we had. So, when I had my suspicious that I was pregnant, I came up with a plan. I stopped at Wal-Mart after work, bought a pregnancy test and large penguin toy (it resembles a giant Weebl, and has colorful plastic balls in it's stomach). I came home, hid the penguin in my trunk, and sneakily took the test. When it was positive I told Daniel to go find a surprise I had for him in my trunk. He claimed he was scared and made me walk out to the car with him. As he opened the trunk and saw the penguin, he got excited and started hugging the box. He was so exciting screaming "A penguin!" I then said to him "do you know why I got you a penguin?" With a slight confused face he told me no. It was then I broke the news, "It's because you want a penguin for every child we have." An even more excited look came on his face. He then proceeded to stop hugging the box and start hugging me.
The penguin is now happily living in our living room, and Daniel loves it. The fact that it is a baby toy is also pretty convenient.
Well, it looks like I have a parasite. Luckily after mine is due to exude itself approximately May 4th. In other words, I'm pregnant. Babies really are parasites though, most people just don't think of them that way.
While Daniel and I were on our honeymoon, we spent a day at Sea World. While we were there, we made a point to see the penguins, Daniel's favorite animal. It was there, at the penguin exhibit, that Daniel informed me he wanted one penguin for every child that we had. So, when I had my suspicious that I was pregnant, I came up with a plan. I stopped at Wal-Mart after work, bought a pregnancy test and large penguin toy (it resembles a giant Weebl, and has colorful plastic balls in it's stomach). I came home, hid the penguin in my trunk, and sneakily took the test. When it was positive I told Daniel to go find a surprise I had for him in my trunk. He claimed he was scared and made me walk out to the car with him. As he opened the trunk and saw the penguin, he got excited and started hugging the box. He was so exciting screaming "A penguin!" I then said to him "do you know why I got you a penguin?" With a slight confused face he told me no. It was then I broke the news, "It's because you want a penguin for every child we have." An even more excited look came on his face. He then proceeded to stop hugging the box and start hugging me.
The penguin is now happily living in our living room, and Daniel loves it. The fact that it is a baby toy is also pretty convenient.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
It feels good...
To write again! I used to write poetry all the time, but I've been in quite the writing slump lately. However, last week I wrote a poem, and it felt so awesome! I thought I would share.
Getting Back
By: Rebecca Spencer
I haven't been writing lately,
And I can't really tell you why,
But it feels good to get back to it,
Like filling holes from deep inside.
My poetry is a part of me,
And I almost let it slip away,
I'm not sure what inspired me,
But I am grateful anyway.
I may never be a master poet,
Only a few may read my words,
I'm happy just writing for myself,
Even if my rhymes remain unheard.
It's nice seeing scribbles on pages,
Where I have changed my mind,
Decided words just didn't fit,
Or thought of a better rhyme.
It's great just putting pen to paper,
Knowing this is a talent I possess,
It may not be beautiful or extravagant,
Though I still feel I've been blessed.
I have missed writing poetry,
It helps to keep me sane,
Express the things I'm feeling,
And helps me clean my brain.
I haven't been writing lately,
And I can't really tell you why,
But I'm not letting go this time,
Poetry is part of my life.
Getting Back
By: Rebecca Spencer
I haven't been writing lately,
And I can't really tell you why,
But it feels good to get back to it,
Like filling holes from deep inside.
My poetry is a part of me,
And I almost let it slip away,
I'm not sure what inspired me,
But I am grateful anyway.
I may never be a master poet,
Only a few may read my words,
I'm happy just writing for myself,
Even if my rhymes remain unheard.
It's nice seeing scribbles on pages,
Where I have changed my mind,
Decided words just didn't fit,
Or thought of a better rhyme.
It's great just putting pen to paper,
Knowing this is a talent I possess,
It may not be beautiful or extravagant,
Though I still feel I've been blessed.
I have missed writing poetry,
It helps to keep me sane,
Express the things I'm feeling,
And helps me clean my brain.
I haven't been writing lately,
And I can't really tell you why,
But I'm not letting go this time,
Poetry is part of my life.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
My Best Friend's Wedding!
Savanna was married recently (July 31st, so this post is a little bit late), but before I write about the wedding, I would like to talk about the friendship between Savanna and I. This is going to be a long one.
The circumstances in which Savanna and I met are quite interesting. It was June 5th, 2006(My 16th birthday) at Plain City Stake Girls camp; I was giving a presentation on first aid, and Savanna was watching the presentation... when I passed out. After I came to, the presentation continued, and I took a seat next to 'some girl that my friend knew'. Our strong connection was quite apparent as we quickly plotted our way out of the hike that was planned later in the aftertoon. We spent much of this girl's camp hanging out and getting to know each other, and we have been best of friends ever since. One intersting tid-bit is that I nearly didn't go to girl's camp this year because of some interesting circumstances. I felt girl's camp is where I needed to be at the time; I believe one main reason I was inspired to go was so that I could meet Savanna.
Savanna and I's relationship has not really been a smooth and easy one. Granted we get along well and have lots of fun together, but we have had plenty of bickerings. We have had to work for our friendship, and that is what makes it such a strong one. We have been through a whole lot together the past 4 years. We have made each other cry, laugh, and scream all on multiple occasions, but no matter what has happened, no matter where we were living, or how crazy we were acting, we always knew the other one was there for us.
Savanna is so kind, and has a very unjudging nature about her. She met me at a low point in my life. When I was worried about losing friends, she became mine. She doesn't care about the mistakes I've made or stupid things I've done, she simply cares about me. She has lifted me up when I could no longer make it on my own (literally and figuruatively), and I can only hope I have been able to do the same for her. We have both come a long way in 4 years, a long way that led to beautiful temple marriages.
Savanna's wedding was the first temple marriage I have been able to attend othger than my own. It was a very special experience to see my best friend get married, and I bawled like baby. I didn't cry because I was sad, I cried because I was so freakin' happy. I love Savanna and I am proud of her for making this decision. I was also so happy I was able to be in attendance. If someone would have told me when Savanna and I met, that in 4 years we would both be sealed to wonderful men, I think I would have laughed at them. Needless to say it was a beatutiful ceremony, and at the reception, there were adorable puppies!
Congratulations Savanna! I couldn't ask for a better friend. Four years and we have been through boyfriends, fiances and now husbands, weight losses, weight gains, fights, craziness, high points, low points and everything in between, tears, laughs, bunches of hugs and probably at least 15 bags of puffy cheetos. I look forward to our continuing friendship. If we made it this far, we can last a lifetime, and hopefully into the Eternities as well.
The circumstances in which Savanna and I met are quite interesting. It was June 5th, 2006(My 16th birthday) at Plain City Stake Girls camp; I was giving a presentation on first aid, and Savanna was watching the presentation... when I passed out. After I came to, the presentation continued, and I took a seat next to 'some girl that my friend knew'. Our strong connection was quite apparent as we quickly plotted our way out of the hike that was planned later in the aftertoon. We spent much of this girl's camp hanging out and getting to know each other, and we have been best of friends ever since. One intersting tid-bit is that I nearly didn't go to girl's camp this year because of some interesting circumstances. I felt girl's camp is where I needed to be at the time; I believe one main reason I was inspired to go was so that I could meet Savanna.
Savanna and I's relationship has not really been a smooth and easy one. Granted we get along well and have lots of fun together, but we have had plenty of bickerings. We have had to work for our friendship, and that is what makes it such a strong one. We have been through a whole lot together the past 4 years. We have made each other cry, laugh, and scream all on multiple occasions, but no matter what has happened, no matter where we were living, or how crazy we were acting, we always knew the other one was there for us.
Savanna is so kind, and has a very unjudging nature about her. She met me at a low point in my life. When I was worried about losing friends, she became mine. She doesn't care about the mistakes I've made or stupid things I've done, she simply cares about me. She has lifted me up when I could no longer make it on my own (literally and figuruatively), and I can only hope I have been able to do the same for her. We have both come a long way in 4 years, a long way that led to beautiful temple marriages.
Savanna's wedding was the first temple marriage I have been able to attend othger than my own. It was a very special experience to see my best friend get married, and I bawled like baby. I didn't cry because I was sad, I cried because I was so freakin' happy. I love Savanna and I am proud of her for making this decision. I was also so happy I was able to be in attendance. If someone would have told me when Savanna and I met, that in 4 years we would both be sealed to wonderful men, I think I would have laughed at them. Needless to say it was a beatutiful ceremony, and at the reception, there were adorable puppies!
Congratulations Savanna! I couldn't ask for a better friend. Four years and we have been through boyfriends, fiances and now husbands, weight losses, weight gains, fights, craziness, high points, low points and everything in between, tears, laughs, bunches of hugs and probably at least 15 bags of puffy cheetos. I look forward to our continuing friendship. If we made it this far, we can last a lifetime, and hopefully into the Eternities as well.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Happy Birthday(s)
Daniel and I both recently celebrated our birthdays. Though my birthday was spent with massive amounts of relatives then a well-behaved toddler, and Daniel's was spent with stool (and other) samples, we still managed to sneak in a little birthday fun for one another.
The day before my birthday, I came home from work to find this:
Massive amounts of balloons, all blown up by the man in the picture. It was super cute, I love balloons!!!(too bad they aren't biodegradable).
Then, the Monday after my birthday (stupid places closing on weekends), I woke up to see these on the table:
Very pretty. I got flowers or my birthday last year too, I'm starting to see a trend.
However, the best part of my birthday came a few days before my birthday even came. As a combined Christmas/Birthday present (for me, from Daniel) we stocked up on a ton of food and hygiene supplies from Costco and donated it all to St. Anne's homeless shelter. Best present ever.
Since it was Daniel's work week when his birthday came, I was determined to have something special waiting for him when he arrived home, at 7 am, on his birthday. My decision was a penguin cake. It's his favorite animal, and I thought it would be awesome. I was on a quest to find a penguin cake pan (or at least some penguin figurines). After many stores and absolutely no luck (besides Shawn telling me he saw a penguin cake out of a 3D bear cake pan), I figured I failed my quest and retired to my sister Nicholle's house to play games. Nicholle said she had a dinosaur cake pan that might work. We scoffed at her, but it ended up being the perfect thing! Over 4 hours, 3 board games, 2 driving trips and one frosting covered Becky later, I ended up with this:
I was going to make it cooler, and add a wing, and well, feet, but Daniel was going to be home soon so I called it good. It did have a whole face before...we just didn't get a picture before it was eaten.
For Daniel's birthday we also managed to go out to eat before he had to head to work again. His choice: Golden Coral. He had been looking forward to going to a buffet for awhile now.
In case you were wondering:
The balloon aftermath.
Thanks everyone for the other birthday presents and wishes. It was a good year for us both.
The day before my birthday, I came home from work to find this:
Massive amounts of balloons, all blown up by the man in the picture. It was super cute, I love balloons!!!(too bad they aren't biodegradable).
Then, the Monday after my birthday (stupid places closing on weekends), I woke up to see these on the table:
Very pretty. I got flowers or my birthday last year too, I'm starting to see a trend.
However, the best part of my birthday came a few days before my birthday even came. As a combined Christmas/Birthday present (for me, from Daniel) we stocked up on a ton of food and hygiene supplies from Costco and donated it all to St. Anne's homeless shelter. Best present ever.
Since it was Daniel's work week when his birthday came, I was determined to have something special waiting for him when he arrived home, at 7 am, on his birthday. My decision was a penguin cake. It's his favorite animal, and I thought it would be awesome. I was on a quest to find a penguin cake pan (or at least some penguin figurines). After many stores and absolutely no luck (besides Shawn telling me he saw a penguin cake out of a 3D bear cake pan), I figured I failed my quest and retired to my sister Nicholle's house to play games. Nicholle said she had a dinosaur cake pan that might work. We scoffed at her, but it ended up being the perfect thing! Over 4 hours, 3 board games, 2 driving trips and one frosting covered Becky later, I ended up with this:
I was going to make it cooler, and add a wing, and well, feet, but Daniel was going to be home soon so I called it good. It did have a whole face before...we just didn't get a picture before it was eaten.
For Daniel's birthday we also managed to go out to eat before he had to head to work again. His choice: Golden Coral. He had been looking forward to going to a buffet for awhile now.
In case you were wondering:
The balloon aftermath.
Thanks everyone for the other birthday presents and wishes. It was a good year for us both.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Flowers. Babies, and Gingerbread Men.
For the past few months the theme on my iGoogle page has been a wedding theme, so a few weeks ago I decided since that was a bit outdated, I should change my theme to something new. I found an Anne Geddes flower theme and thought it was cute so I set it as my theme. If you don't know who Anne Geddes is, she is a famous baby photographer who takes pictures of babies, usually in costumes or interesting scenes.
I was on my iGoogle page one day and Daniel saw one of the flower babies and got super freaked out saying that it was creepy(it was not creepy, babies and flowers are not creepy). In hopes to prove that Anne Geddes' pictures were NOT creepy, I searched out more pictures to show to Daniel. After seeing more pictures, he was even more freaked out, claiming this lady was crazy because she "Stole newborn babies, washed them off and stuck them in a flower!" Most of the babies do look fairly young, but I'm sure she didn't steal them, and she probably had the doctor wash them off. I was determined to find a picture he thought was cute(the pumpkin babies fared pretty well), when I came across this:
That is an Asian baby, dressed as a gingerbread man!!!!! As many of you know, one of my life goals is to acquire an Asian baby, and after I saw this picture, I wanted one dressed as a gingerbread man. For days I have been bugging Daniel to bring me home an Asian gingerbread baby when he came home from work. To my dismay, the gingerbread baby never came.
Daniel and I sometimes e-mail each other while he is at work, since he can't really have his phone and he is at the computer a lot during his downtime. After sending him a picture of a pygmy marmoset (they are cute and I am random), he told me that he had something for me, and sent me this:
My very own Asian gingerbread baby! It made me laugh so hard I nearly forgot that I had requested a real one.
I was on my iGoogle page one day and Daniel saw one of the flower babies and got super freaked out saying that it was creepy(it was not creepy, babies and flowers are not creepy). In hopes to prove that Anne Geddes' pictures were NOT creepy, I searched out more pictures to show to Daniel. After seeing more pictures, he was even more freaked out, claiming this lady was crazy because she "Stole newborn babies, washed them off and stuck them in a flower!" Most of the babies do look fairly young, but I'm sure she didn't steal them, and she probably had the doctor wash them off. I was determined to find a picture he thought was cute(the pumpkin babies fared pretty well), when I came across this:
That is an Asian baby, dressed as a gingerbread man!!!!! As many of you know, one of my life goals is to acquire an Asian baby, and after I saw this picture, I wanted one dressed as a gingerbread man. For days I have been bugging Daniel to bring me home an Asian gingerbread baby when he came home from work. To my dismay, the gingerbread baby never came.
Daniel and I sometimes e-mail each other while he is at work, since he can't really have his phone and he is at the computer a lot during his downtime. After sending him a picture of a pygmy marmoset (they are cute and I am random), he told me that he had something for me, and sent me this:
My very own Asian gingerbread baby! It made me laugh so hard I nearly forgot that I had requested a real one.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
If you need a thank you so bad....
You can have your present back!
Who came up with the concept of a thank you card anyway!? Granted we have thank you cards, cute ones at that, and we will send them at some point, but honestly I should not be pestered to get my thank you cards out! If you came to my reception, you saw me, I hugged you, I said thank you in person. We had a beautiful spread of food for you to eat. Is that not thanks enough? You want a cold meaningless piece of paper? Really? I don't think I will ever understand thank you cards, if it were up to me, I wouldn't send them at all. If you are so desperate for that meaningless piece of paper, really, you can have your present back. I'm appreciative, I already said that, and aren't the best presents the kind that you don't expect a thank you in return? Something you were happy to give and the knowledge that you helped someone should be thanks enough. Isn't that the point of gifts? To give and not receive? Apparently not, because I have a giant stack of cards that must mean otherwise. People annoy me. I'm done with my rant. Thank you.
Who came up with the concept of a thank you card anyway!? Granted we have thank you cards, cute ones at that, and we will send them at some point, but honestly I should not be pestered to get my thank you cards out! If you came to my reception, you saw me, I hugged you, I said thank you in person. We had a beautiful spread of food for you to eat. Is that not thanks enough? You want a cold meaningless piece of paper? Really? I don't think I will ever understand thank you cards, if it were up to me, I wouldn't send them at all. If you are so desperate for that meaningless piece of paper, really, you can have your present back. I'm appreciative, I already said that, and aren't the best presents the kind that you don't expect a thank you in return? Something you were happy to give and the knowledge that you helped someone should be thanks enough. Isn't that the point of gifts? To give and not receive? Apparently not, because I have a giant stack of cards that must mean otherwise. People annoy me. I'm done with my rant. Thank you.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Oh My Daniel.
I'm sure most, if not all of you, have heard that Daniel hurt himself the other day. However, you have not all heard the whole story, which I intend to tell you now.
I was slicing potatoes with the mandolin for dinner, when Daniel insisted on helping. He always helps to cook and clean, but this time I felt his hidden motives. I'm a slow slicer when using a mandolin; they are great tools, but I know about 50 million people who have cut themselves on one. Daniel is a fast slicer. He had to work that night and wanted to eat before he left. He saw my slow slicing and I think it made him a bit insecure about the situation. I started working on another food item for the dinner, and after about 5 seconds of slicing I hear a fairly calm "oh crap". I turn to see my beautiful potatoes being contaminated by pinky blood. Daniel had just become the 50,000,001st person I know to cut themselves on one of those things! Contrary to popular belief, I did not freak out. Yelling "COME HERE! COME HERE!" While running to the bathroom and trying to rip open the never used, still in it's plastic first aid. Followed by "PUT PRESSURE ON IT! KEEP PRESSURE ON IT!" is not freaking out, it's simply handling the situation.
We wrapped the pinky up, in some gauze and bandaids, but it quickly bled through. We wrapped it up again and I finished dinner while Daniel sat on the couch. He had one hand in the air (you are supposed to keep bleeding things above your heart if possible), the other hand operating the PS3 controller while he finished the level he was working on before the hidden motives potato slicing had begun. We ate dinner (Yes, we still ate the potatoes, I threw out the bloody ones and cooked up the rest!), wrapped up the pinky one more time, really well this time, kept Daniel prepared with extra bandaids, and sent him to work.
I hadn't heard anything from Daniel in 5 hours. No news is good news right? I figured the bandaids worked out and everything was fine. I had asked Daniel for the parental permission code for our Wii, so I could try and connect to someone's internet so that my brother could send me my Mii, so when I got a text from "My Love" I figured he was just getting the code to me. Instead I read "I am in the ER". Um what!? Now, let's get a few things straight. It had been about 6 hours since the potato incident, that's a long time, I figured if he was going to go to the hospital for that, it would have been a few hours ago. Also, Daniel works in the Infectious Disease department and his lead is currently in quarantine for malaria. He could have easily (well, not easily, but much more easily than most people) gotten a disease on him. Lastly, This is Daniel we are talking about, he does weird, crazy stuff on a regular basis. I come to find out, he just hadn't stopped bleeding. Not as bad as something else happening, but I was still worried, for Daniel, and the emergency room bill we would soon be getting.
After Daniel went into see the Doctor, they tried to put pressure on it and hold it above his heart to see if it would stop bleeding on it's own(Really dude, it had been 7 hours by then! I don't think it's just going to stop). They finally gave in and decided to cauterize (there was a chunk missing, so there was no way they could stitch it). When they took a closer look, it was cut through a vein, so it wouldn't have stopped bleeding on it's own. He asked for the cauterized tool (pen, stick, pole?), but they wouldn't let him take it with him, so after a 3 hour ER excursion, he returned to work. On his return home in the morning, I found out that he had told me, and his two best friends he was in the ER, but not his mother. After convincing him that he should probably tell his mom, he sent her a text that read: "So, I was in the ER last night." Ah, that's my man.
I was slicing potatoes with the mandolin for dinner, when Daniel insisted on helping. He always helps to cook and clean, but this time I felt his hidden motives. I'm a slow slicer when using a mandolin; they are great tools, but I know about 50 million people who have cut themselves on one. Daniel is a fast slicer. He had to work that night and wanted to eat before he left. He saw my slow slicing and I think it made him a bit insecure about the situation. I started working on another food item for the dinner, and after about 5 seconds of slicing I hear a fairly calm "oh crap". I turn to see my beautiful potatoes being contaminated by pinky blood. Daniel had just become the 50,000,001st person I know to cut themselves on one of those things! Contrary to popular belief, I did not freak out. Yelling "COME HERE! COME HERE!" While running to the bathroom and trying to rip open the never used, still in it's plastic first aid. Followed by "PUT PRESSURE ON IT! KEEP PRESSURE ON IT!" is not freaking out, it's simply handling the situation.
We wrapped the pinky up, in some gauze and bandaids, but it quickly bled through. We wrapped it up again and I finished dinner while Daniel sat on the couch. He had one hand in the air (you are supposed to keep bleeding things above your heart if possible), the other hand operating the PS3 controller while he finished the level he was working on before the hidden motives potato slicing had begun. We ate dinner (Yes, we still ate the potatoes, I threw out the bloody ones and cooked up the rest!), wrapped up the pinky one more time, really well this time, kept Daniel prepared with extra bandaids, and sent him to work.
I hadn't heard anything from Daniel in 5 hours. No news is good news right? I figured the bandaids worked out and everything was fine. I had asked Daniel for the parental permission code for our Wii, so I could try and connect to someone's internet so that my brother could send me my Mii, so when I got a text from "My Love" I figured he was just getting the code to me. Instead I read "I am in the ER". Um what!? Now, let's get a few things straight. It had been about 6 hours since the potato incident, that's a long time, I figured if he was going to go to the hospital for that, it would have been a few hours ago. Also, Daniel works in the Infectious Disease department and his lead is currently in quarantine for malaria. He could have easily (well, not easily, but much more easily than most people) gotten a disease on him. Lastly, This is Daniel we are talking about, he does weird, crazy stuff on a regular basis. I come to find out, he just hadn't stopped bleeding. Not as bad as something else happening, but I was still worried, for Daniel, and the emergency room bill we would soon be getting.
After Daniel went into see the Doctor, they tried to put pressure on it and hold it above his heart to see if it would stop bleeding on it's own(Really dude, it had been 7 hours by then! I don't think it's just going to stop). They finally gave in and decided to cauterize (there was a chunk missing, so there was no way they could stitch it). When they took a closer look, it was cut through a vein, so it wouldn't have stopped bleeding on it's own. He asked for the cauterized tool (pen, stick, pole?), but they wouldn't let him take it with him, so after a 3 hour ER excursion, he returned to work. On his return home in the morning, I found out that he had told me, and his two best friends he was in the ER, but not his mother. After convincing him that he should probably tell his mom, he sent her a text that read: "So, I was in the ER last night." Ah, that's my man.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Back to Blogging.
I consider myself a fairly good story teller. Correct me if I am wrong, but I have been told I have the ability to take a fairly mundane circumstance and turn it into a interesting anecdote. That's what I originally created this blog for, talking about my fairly mundane life and and sharing it in a more exciting and entertaining way. For example, I am quite proud of my Journey's into Geekdom post awhile back. I, however have been ignoring my blog for one reason or another. I have decided I need to get back to my blogging, and share my mundane life with the world! (Or the 3 or 4 people that actually read this). Look for something interesting to come soon!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I was threated.....
To post wedding pictures, so here are some of my favorites. Thanks very much to Daniel's cousin's Wendi and Kristie, who took and edited the photos.
Monday, February 22, 2010
I am Sad.
What makes me even more sad than the temple changing, is the way people are reacting to my sadness. I love the Temple now, I think it is beautiful and I am sad to see it change. I'm not losing faith. I will not refuse to go to the Temple after it is renovated. I'm not upset that I have to travel to either Logan or Bountiful. I'm not saying that the Church is wrong for doing this. I am saying that I am sad to see something I love change. People are sad when Bishops or Stake Presidents change. People are sad when wards or stakes are rearranged. People are sad when old church buildings are torn down. People are sad when the Prophet dies and a new one is put in place. Things changing can be hard, and I feel it is okay to be sad. You can be sad when your Bishop or Stake President changes. You can be sad when ward boundaries change. I will not tell you to get over it, so please do not do that to me. I'm not offended the church is doing this to me. I am simply sad to see the Temple change. Nothing more.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
The Ogden Temple is Beautiful...
Now.! It's beautiful right now, before renovations. I never thought the Ogden Temple was in any way less beautiful than the other Temples. I'm getting married in the Ogden Temple, in just a few weeks, because I love the Ogden Temple. I'm very sad about the new renovations. When I have children, they are not even going to be able to recognize the Ogden Temple in my wedding pictures, because it will be completely different. Essentially the temple I get married in, won't even exist in a few years. What is even worse, my brother Tim, who loves the Ogden Temple just as much, if not more than I do, will likely not be able to get married in it at all. RIP old Ogden Temple. I always loved you.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Does anyone know what happens in two days!?
While, of course you, it's the name of my blog post, duh.
I LOVE the Olympics. It is during the Olympics in which sports that you had no prior interest in suddenly become EXTREMELY fascinating.
Last Olympics inspired conversations such as this:
"You look tired."
"I am tired, I didn't go to bed until 5:00 in the morning."
"Why did you stay up until 5:00 in the morning!?"
"Men's speed-walking was on, and I couldn't miss it."
However, this year's Olympics (Winter, obviously), are being held in Vancouver, Canada. This time zone is much closer to ours than Beijing, China, where the last Olympics were held. This means a better sleep schedule. Well, Perhaps. While this may sound great, there is still an issue. Since the Olympics are during the day, it will be hard to find time to do anything else. Instead of conversations such as the previous one I imagine this Olympics will inspire conversations such as this:
"You look tired."
"I am tired, I didn't go to bed until 5:00 in the morning."
"Why did you stay up until 5:00 in the morning!?"
"I was doing homework and addressing wedding invitations."
"Why didn't you do that earlier in the day?"
"Women's speed-skating was on, and I couldn't miss it."
I hope you all enjoy the Olympics as much I as do. Happy watching.
While, of course you, it's the name of my blog post, duh.
I LOVE the Olympics. It is during the Olympics in which sports that you had no prior interest in suddenly become EXTREMELY fascinating.
Last Olympics inspired conversations such as this:
"You look tired."
"I am tired, I didn't go to bed until 5:00 in the morning."
"Why did you stay up until 5:00 in the morning!?"
"Men's speed-walking was on, and I couldn't miss it."
However, this year's Olympics (Winter, obviously), are being held in Vancouver, Canada. This time zone is much closer to ours than Beijing, China, where the last Olympics were held. This means a better sleep schedule. Well, Perhaps. While this may sound great, there is still an issue. Since the Olympics are during the day, it will be hard to find time to do anything else. Instead of conversations such as the previous one I imagine this Olympics will inspire conversations such as this:
"You look tired."
"I am tired, I didn't go to bed until 5:00 in the morning."
"Why did you stay up until 5:00 in the morning!?"
"I was doing homework and addressing wedding invitations."
"Why didn't you do that earlier in the day?"
"Women's speed-skating was on, and I couldn't miss it."
I hope you all enjoy the Olympics as much I as do. Happy watching.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Happy 2010!!
Happy New Year Everyone. It's twenty-ten! Finally we have reached the decade in which we can say twenty-blank, instead of two-thousand and blank.
Let's look at some highlights of 2009, shall we?
I went to Disney-On-Ice with Savanna, Twice! Both times were awesome, despite Jeff, crying, and vendors assuming our bouncy balls were weapons.
I started college after taking an entire year off after high school. I think the break was much needed, but it was nice to go to school again, as weird as that may sound.
I swept up what probably adds up to a ton of spilled popcorn. Okay, so this isn't really a highlight, but it happened a whole freakin' lot. The worst times being after children jumped in it...it's not a puddle.
I was hit on...A lot, mostly by creepy men. I don't know what it is about podium, but it draws weirdos to hit on you somehow. Little tip...When I say I'm engaged, it's probably a good time to back off.
Speaks for itself? I think so. On a fun side-note though: This picture was taken in a cemetery.
Coming Tomorrow (or really later today): New Years resolutions.
Let's look at some highlights of 2009, shall we?

Coming Tomorrow (or really later today): New Years resolutions.
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