Sunday, May 16, 2010

Back to Blogging.

I consider myself a fairly good story teller. Correct me if I am wrong, but I have been told I have the ability to take a fairly mundane circumstance and turn it into a interesting anecdote. That's what I originally created this blog for, talking about my fairly mundane life and and sharing it in a more exciting and entertaining way. For example, I am quite proud of my Journey's into Geekdom post awhile back. I, however have been ignoring my blog for one reason or another. I have decided I need to get back to my blogging, and share my mundane life with the world! (Or the 3 or 4 people that actually read this). Look for something interesting to come soon!


Kiki said...

That's awesome! Did you know that after you have posted a bunch on your blog you can have the posts you want bound and made into a book? You can even make it hardback! I thought that would be a really cool thing to do sometime in the future so I would have a hard copy of what I consider a form of a journal.

Melinda said...

I enjoy reading it. You are going to have so many more stories now that you are married to Daniel!