Happy New Year Everyone. It's twenty-ten! Finally we have reached the decade in which we can say twenty-blank, instead of two-thousand and blank.
Let's look at some highlights of 2009, shall we?

I went to Disney-On-Ice with Savanna, Twice! Both times were awesome, despite Jeff, crying, and vendors assuming our bouncy balls were weapons.

I started college after taking an entire year off after high school. I think the break was much needed, but it was nice to go to school again, as weird as that may sound.

I swept up what probably adds up to a ton of spilled popcorn. Okay, so this isn't really a highlight, but it happened a whole freakin' lot. The worst times being after children jumped in it...it's not a puddle.

I was hit on...A lot, mostly by creepy men. I don't know what it is about podium, but it draws weirdos to hit on you somehow. Little tip...When I say I'm engaged, it's probably a good time to back off.

Speaks for itself? I think so. On a fun side-note though: This picture was taken in a cemetery.
Coming Tomorrow (or really later today): New Years resolutions.
Still need to see the engagement pictures. What cemetary?
Haha, that's ironic. Celebrating getting engaged with the dead. Makes it seem like you two both want an engagement with death early in life.
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