Happy New Year Everyone. It's twenty-ten! Finally we have reached the decade in which we can say twenty-blank, instead of two-thousand and blank.
Let's look at some highlights of 2009, shall we?

I went to Disney-On-Ice with Savanna, Twice! Both times were awesome, despite Jeff, crying, and vendors assuming our bouncy balls were weapons.

I started college after taking an entire year off after high school. I think the break was much needed, but it was nice to go to school again, as weird as that may sound.

I swept up what probably adds up to a ton of spilled popcorn. Okay, so this isn't really a highlight, but it happened a whole freakin' lot. The worst times being after children jumped in it...it's not a puddle.

I was hit on...A lot, mostly by creepy men. I don't know what it is about podium, but it draws weirdos to hit on you somehow. Little tip...When I say I'm engaged, it's probably a good time to back off.

Speaks for itself? I think so. On a fun side-note though: This picture was taken in a cemetery.
Coming Tomorrow (or really later today): New Years resolutions.