When I was little I wanted to be this:
A Veterinarian. I feel I'm pretty good around animals, and most pet-loving children want to grow up to be Vets, am I right? This Career goal ended in about Junior High. I didn't want to be in school long enough to make that happen.
In Junior High my new Career Goal sprouted. It being this:
A Published Author. A Published Poet, to more exact. While I would still like to have some of my things published at some point, I realized this was not a solid career goal. To make it in this career you have to be very dedicated, forcing yourself to write every day, and I just don't have that kind of self-motivation.
High school classes helped me to narrow my search. I liked health, and I was pretty good at it, so that's where I started looking next. I knew I didn't want to be a nurse (yuck, poop), so I thought the following was a good idea:
Radiology Technologist. I kept this plan for quite some time. I have broken a lot of bones, so why not help people who have broken bones! It was after my first semester of college, and realizing basically no one gets into this program. It's very competitive, and I didn't want to have to apply 60 billion times.
For a brief time (while still having radiology on the back burner) I thought about doing this:
No, I did not want to be Alton Brown, just an awesome chef like him. I thought about going to culinary school instead of college to learn the tools of the trade. Much like the poetry dream, I would still like to live this one out a little. My eventual (Eventual meaning when I'm like 50 or so) goal is to open my own bakery.
I obviously went back to radiology considering I went to Weber State and not The Art Institute of America. So, after radiology seemed to be a bust, but still looking in the health field, I turned to this:
Respiratory Therapist. It is what I have classes for now, and will likely get my degree in.
Life isn't always simple however. What I have worked is this:
Which was not a bad job. It was pretty fun actually. People were often not so smart, and I had to work strange hours, but other than that I had a good time. However, I decided to abandon that for this:
Not a beautiful young doctor, but a person who serves the beautiful young doctors their food. I did not enjoy this job. I tried to, but I could not. Some days I would just sit and cry because I had to go to work (even before I was pregnant). So I decided to abandon that for this:
Oh wait, that's right, I quit without something else to do. I've been looking for something easy, temporary, and not very many hours to help me fill some time and help save for the creature growing in my stomach. It has been suggested that I go back to this:
That might not be such a bad idea, however, today I thought of a very different, easy, temporary, not very many hours career choice. Which brings us to the title of this post (I know you are all excited, since it's taken forever to get here), My new career plan:
I am going to get a monkey, and I am going to get an organ grinder. I will teach said monkey to play said organ grinder and we will sit on street corners where people will give us money. Plus, as an added bonus, I will teach the monkey to clap when people give us money, making all the people say "AWWWW" so they will want to give us more money! Seems pretty solid to me!
Okay, enough with the silliness. The past few months have really made me realize that all I really want to be is this:

No, I do not want to be a bride again. Once was enough for that. For this I am looking at the two beautiful women next to me (No Nicholle, you do not look like a Cardassian). I do not wish to be my sisters, though I do wish to be like them in one very distinctive way. I want to be good mother. My sisters are both wonderful examples of this, as is my own wonderful mother. If I can do that, be a good mom, then none of the rest of it really seems to matter much, does it?