My best friend Savanna recently posted a bunch of conversations and such she has had with her customers at Wal*Mart on her blog, this inspired me to write a list of questions I hear at my job on a regular basis.
Question: "Do you reuse the popcorn buckets?"
What I want to say: "Yes, we sanitize them and then bring them back to the kitchen."
What I actually say: "No, we just stack them so there is more room in the trash."
Question: "I can throw this in there?"
What I want to say: "No, you cannot throw your trash in the trash can; who does that?"
What I actually say: "Yep!"
Question: "Do we get to keep the glasses?"
What I want to say: "Yeah, if you give me 80 bucks for them!"
What I actually say: "No, sorry, we collect them at the end of the movie."
Question: "These are sanitized, right?"
What I want to say: "Naw, we just hand you your 3D glasses right after we snag them off some sweaty guy's head."
What I actually say: "Yup, all of them are washed and sanitized."
Question: "If I walk out, can I get back in?"
What I want to say: "No, we are extreme jerks, you are only allowed to pass the podium one time."
What I actually say: "You bet!"
Question: (Talking about the Pre-show) I can hear sound but I can't see anything(or visa-versa), can someone fix it?
What I want to say: "Why do you even want to watch the Pre-show? It sucks!"
What I actually say: "It's just the Pre-show, when your actual movie turns on, it is on a different system and it should be fine."
Question: "Where is theater _____?"
What I want to say: "Can you not read? There are 15 million signs, and the podium person told you are pointed where you should go. You really don't know?"
What I actually say "Oh, it's right over here." *points in that general direction*
There are more, but you get the point. The sad thing is that Daniel often uses the response I want to say, and he rarely gets in trouble, because people find him funny. Sigh, I would never get away with it.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Daniel's Side of The Story.
We thought it would be a good idea for Daniel to tell his side of the story, so here it goes.
Daniels Side:
Ever since I met Becky I thought she was hot. So I of course had to be charming and funny - ALL THE TIME! It was pretty hard to do. After a few months of working together I had gotten to know Becky a bit. This is when I heard about Jail Bait. We had nicknamed her current boyfriend Jail Bait because he was under eighteen and she was over. So all of my hopes were dashed... There was no chance of me getting a date when she had a boyfriend. So, as you can imagine I was secretly very happy when I learned they had broken up. So I resumed flirting with Becky at every opportunity. Until one day when we were joking about the possibility of us going out she told me "You remind me of my brother." This was another setback. It was'nt until later that my friend Dave told me to keep trying that I continued my efforts.
Then one day after we went to the dinosaur park I was on the roof of the parking garage beating up on one of our friends with bamboo swords when I got a text from Becky saying "There is something I want to tell you, but i'm nervous." I trying to act cool said. "What is it?" When the next text came my heart jumped. "I like you." I guess I didn't answer fast enough cause she texted me again very quickly wondering why I hadn't responded yet. Then after the first akward date everything worked out perfectly. I couldn't ask for it to be any different.
Daniels Side:
Ever since I met Becky I thought she was hot. So I of course had to be charming and funny - ALL THE TIME! It was pretty hard to do. After a few months of working together I had gotten to know Becky a bit. This is when I heard about Jail Bait. We had nicknamed her current boyfriend Jail Bait because he was under eighteen and she was over. So all of my hopes were dashed... There was no chance of me getting a date when she had a boyfriend. So, as you can imagine I was secretly very happy when I learned they had broken up. So I resumed flirting with Becky at every opportunity. Until one day when we were joking about the possibility of us going out she told me "You remind me of my brother." This was another setback. It was'nt until later that my friend Dave told me to keep trying that I continued my efforts.
Then one day after we went to the dinosaur park I was on the roof of the parking garage beating up on one of our friends with bamboo swords when I got a text from Becky saying "There is something I want to tell you, but i'm nervous." I trying to act cool said. "What is it?" When the next text came my heart jumped. "I like you." I guess I didn't answer fast enough cause she texted me again very quickly wondering why I hadn't responded yet. Then after the first akward date everything worked out perfectly. I couldn't ask for it to be any different.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
As many of you already know, I am now engaged! The date has not yet been set, but when it is I'm sure you will all be informed.
I will tell you all a little bit about Daniel and I. We met when I first started working at The Megaplex at the beginning of May last year. This job was really easy for me to get, and I always felt that there was a reason I was working there. I think Daniel might have even been there on my first day of work. He was sweet and charismatic since the day I met him. He was sarcastic and fun, and I had a good time working with him. We quickly became what you might call "work friends". We talked a lot when we worked together, shared fun stories and just got to know each other, there and at the occasional activity outside of work.
Daniel liked me the whole time; I was dating someone else. It was after that relationship ended that I realized I liked Daniel, and actually had for a long time, but was in denial. Even though I now admitted that I liked him, I in no way wanted to act upon this feeling. We worked together, and I didn't want things to be awkward if it didn't work out. After much convincing from my friends, and a text sent by my friend, Daniel knew I liked him, and he soon asked me out.
It was a very short time after we started dating that I knew he was the person that I was going to marry. He knew that I wanted to propose, and I did. I sent him a giant fortune cookie, and the fortune inside read "The future is now in your hands; Will you marry me?" I was there when he opened it, and he unreluctantly said yes. We decided to tell our families together, so we waited a bit and planned a BBQ. We ate, and after I prodded Daniel a bit he annouced we were engaged. Everyone pretty much all saw it coming, so it wasn't a huge surprise or anything. My dad did cry, but that was expected.
I will post pictures of my ring when I have it, it is currently being sized. I'm a bit nontraditional, so it is a ruby, not a diamond.
Thank you everyone for your love and support. I felt the background change was appropriate.
I will tell you all a little bit about Daniel and I. We met when I first started working at The Megaplex at the beginning of May last year. This job was really easy for me to get, and I always felt that there was a reason I was working there. I think Daniel might have even been there on my first day of work. He was sweet and charismatic since the day I met him. He was sarcastic and fun, and I had a good time working with him. We quickly became what you might call "work friends". We talked a lot when we worked together, shared fun stories and just got to know each other, there and at the occasional activity outside of work.
Daniel liked me the whole time; I was dating someone else. It was after that relationship ended that I realized I liked Daniel, and actually had for a long time, but was in denial. Even though I now admitted that I liked him, I in no way wanted to act upon this feeling. We worked together, and I didn't want things to be awkward if it didn't work out. After much convincing from my friends, and a text sent by my friend, Daniel knew I liked him, and he soon asked me out.
It was a very short time after we started dating that I knew he was the person that I was going to marry. He knew that I wanted to propose, and I did. I sent him a giant fortune cookie, and the fortune inside read "The future is now in your hands; Will you marry me?" I was there when he opened it, and he unreluctantly said yes. We decided to tell our families together, so we waited a bit and planned a BBQ. We ate, and after I prodded Daniel a bit he annouced we were engaged. Everyone pretty much all saw it coming, so it wasn't a huge surprise or anything. My dad did cry, but that was expected.
I will post pictures of my ring when I have it, it is currently being sized. I'm a bit nontraditional, so it is a ruby, not a diamond.
Thank you everyone for your love and support. I felt the background change was appropriate.
Monday, June 29, 2009
A few months ago my branch president asked to talk to me during Sunday school. I thought something to the effect of "new calling". That thought was wrong, instead I was asked if I would like to be an EFY counselor for a week. Yeah, okay, why not. I went back to Sunday school. Tim says to me
"Did you get a new calling?"
"Nope, I'm going to be an EFY counselor."
Tim then burst into laughter...and so it began.
I received a few e-mails now and then telling me things like which session I was going to be in and when we would have meetings and such. I made sure I had those days all requested off work, but other than that, nothing happened until Sunday, June 14th. The counselors had a training meeting that day. I had no idea what to expect, and I was pretty nervous. I had never even been to EFY before, how the heck was I supposed to be a counselor?! Had a momentarily lost my mind when I agreed to this? Probably.
I felt a little more informed after training...but not a lot. The prayer given that asked to "calm our nerves" was certainly beneficial, but were they really going to just throw us into this so quickly? We could mess up these poor kids lives forever. I went home, looked over the lesson I had to teach the next day and tried to sleep. This was going to be an adventure.
Monday was check in day, though there was a new twist this year. With the swine flu having been in the MTC, we had to take precautions. Every participant had to fill out a questionnaire and have their temperature taken. Any participant with a temperature of 100 or more degrees had to be sent to "Quarantine". It was my privilege to be stationed in the quarantine room. At this point, if anyone was going to get sick, it was going to be me. Only eight kids came through with temperatures though, and none of them were actually sick.
I then met my girls. I was counselor over 8 wonderful girls, ages 16-18. I thought for sure that since I am only 19 myself I would have a younger group of girls, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Though our counselor spot was stolen, twice, and we had to resort to sitting in a foyer, I had a good time getting to know these girls. We had some fun family home evening games that night and I taught my first counselor devotional. I didn't think this would be too much pressure, until the session directors wife asked to sit in with us...crap. If I messed this up and sounded stupid not only would my girls know, but she would too. I'm so lucky that my girls were so willing to participate and the lesson went pretty smooth. We read scriptures, and Monday came to an end.
Tuesday morning I woke up thinking "I am so tired, it is only Tuesday, and there is no possible way I can make it through this entire week!" Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday all passed. I woke up Friday morning thinking "I am going to miss my girls, I can't believe it is already Friday, and I hope that I did a good enough job this week."
Despite my nerves and not knowing at all what I should expect, It was a really good week. Thursday was a a particularly great night when I got to hear all 8 of my girls bear there testimonies. They all did a wonderful job, and hearing from them definitely moved me. It was hard to say goodbye to my girls on Friday night, but it was really gratifying to have each of them hug me, tell me they had an amazing experience, and that they loved me. It was truely a great experience.
Here is a picture of me and my girls. From left to right. Kim, Karren, Allie, Brynn, Me, Clara, Tausha, Loni, and Madi.
"Did you get a new calling?"
"Nope, I'm going to be an EFY counselor."
Tim then burst into laughter...and so it began.
I received a few e-mails now and then telling me things like which session I was going to be in and when we would have meetings and such. I made sure I had those days all requested off work, but other than that, nothing happened until Sunday, June 14th. The counselors had a training meeting that day. I had no idea what to expect, and I was pretty nervous. I had never even been to EFY before, how the heck was I supposed to be a counselor?! Had a momentarily lost my mind when I agreed to this? Probably.
I felt a little more informed after training...but not a lot. The prayer given that asked to "calm our nerves" was certainly beneficial, but were they really going to just throw us into this so quickly? We could mess up these poor kids lives forever. I went home, looked over the lesson I had to teach the next day and tried to sleep. This was going to be an adventure.
Monday was check in day, though there was a new twist this year. With the swine flu having been in the MTC, we had to take precautions. Every participant had to fill out a questionnaire and have their temperature taken. Any participant with a temperature of 100 or more degrees had to be sent to "Quarantine". It was my privilege to be stationed in the quarantine room. At this point, if anyone was going to get sick, it was going to be me. Only eight kids came through with temperatures though, and none of them were actually sick.
I then met my girls. I was counselor over 8 wonderful girls, ages 16-18. I thought for sure that since I am only 19 myself I would have a younger group of girls, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Though our counselor spot was stolen, twice, and we had to resort to sitting in a foyer, I had a good time getting to know these girls. We had some fun family home evening games that night and I taught my first counselor devotional. I didn't think this would be too much pressure, until the session directors wife asked to sit in with us...crap. If I messed this up and sounded stupid not only would my girls know, but she would too. I'm so lucky that my girls were so willing to participate and the lesson went pretty smooth. We read scriptures, and Monday came to an end.
Tuesday morning I woke up thinking "I am so tired, it is only Tuesday, and there is no possible way I can make it through this entire week!" Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday all passed. I woke up Friday morning thinking "I am going to miss my girls, I can't believe it is already Friday, and I hope that I did a good enough job this week."
Despite my nerves and not knowing at all what I should expect, It was a really good week. Thursday was a a particularly great night when I got to hear all 8 of my girls bear there testimonies. They all did a wonderful job, and hearing from them definitely moved me. It was hard to say goodbye to my girls on Friday night, but it was really gratifying to have each of them hug me, tell me they had an amazing experience, and that they loved me. It was truely a great experience.
Here is a picture of me and my girls. From left to right. Kim, Karren, Allie, Brynn, Me, Clara, Tausha, Loni, and Madi.

Friday, May 1, 2009
My week without Facebook.
While I was working last Thursday, the subject of Facebook came up. I admitted that I logged on to Facebook every day, sometimes several times a day. Someone then said "could you go without it?" I quickly responded with "Yeah, of course."
"Could you go without it for a week?"
"Then do it."
"Starting today?"
"Okay, I will."
It's just a week, no big deal. I figured I would have no problem with it. Then later that day I got a text from Facebook mobile saying someone had commented on a photo of mine...crap. I desperatly wanted to know what picture had been commented on, but I couldn't check. This was seriously going to suck.
After a few days the Facebook mobile texts were starting to drive me crazy. It was like a huge "You aren't supposed to log onto Facebook" sign that kept getting rubbed in my face. Sigh. I wish I could turn those off, but then I would have to log onto Facebook. Maybe I was a little more addicted than I thought I was. I got so desperate at one point, I even convinced Shawn to try and help me find something while he was logged on to his account, and yes, I realize that sounds really pathetic.
Well, the week came and went, and in all honesty it wasn't that bad. I think it taught me something, and though I will probably log on more than once a week, I think I will start getting on a bit less. I guess I should thank my friend at work, who eerily reminds me of Shawn, for challenging me to do this.
"Could you go without it for a week?"
"Then do it."
"Starting today?"
"Okay, I will."
It's just a week, no big deal. I figured I would have no problem with it. Then later that day I got a text from Facebook mobile saying someone had commented on a photo of mine...crap. I desperatly wanted to know what picture had been commented on, but I couldn't check. This was seriously going to suck.
After a few days the Facebook mobile texts were starting to drive me crazy. It was like a huge "You aren't supposed to log onto Facebook" sign that kept getting rubbed in my face. Sigh. I wish I could turn those off, but then I would have to log onto Facebook. Maybe I was a little more addicted than I thought I was. I got so desperate at one point, I even convinced Shawn to try and help me find something while he was logged on to his account, and yes, I realize that sounds really pathetic.
Well, the week came and went, and in all honesty it wasn't that bad. I think it taught me something, and though I will probably log on more than once a week, I think I will start getting on a bit less. I guess I should thank my friend at work, who eerily reminds me of Shawn, for challenging me to do this.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
By request...My Life Goals
Just as it says, these are my life goals. It was suggested that I write them, so I am. My life goals are probably pretty different than most, but being unique is a good thing.
In no particular order:
-Visit New Zealand.
-Acquire an Asian child.
-Beat Shawn's Bejewled score on his palm pilot.
-Sleep through an entire day, without having sickness to assist me.
-Go through an entire week without getting a headache.
-Own a duck, snake, pig and tarantula.
-Meet Alton Brown.
-Get that awesome refrigerator that I saw in Sears once, and I fell in love with.
-Bungee Jump.
-Go to the Mall of America.
-Have one room in my house that is painted bright orange.
In no particular order:
-Visit New Zealand.
-Acquire an Asian child.
-Beat Shawn's Bejewled score on his palm pilot.
-Sleep through an entire day, without having sickness to assist me.
-Go through an entire week without getting a headache.
-Own a duck, snake, pig and tarantula.
-Meet Alton Brown.
-Get that awesome refrigerator that I saw in Sears once, and I fell in love with.
-Bungee Jump.
-Go to the Mall of America.
-Have one room in my house that is painted bright orange.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Wouldn't it be awesome!
If I actually had any skill in the area, I would become an inventor. I come up with tons of good ideas for things that I think would be pretty nice. Maybe someday I'll hire someone to actually make the things I think of, but until then here are some of my ideas that I think would be awesome!
•Clothes that produce heat. (I actually came up with this when I was like in 4th grade, it's in my year book)
•Clothes that don't get dirty, including smell and everything. Then you will never have to do laundry, which totally sucks.
•A mind reading machine. One that only reads the thoughts that you want to hear. Such as "I wonder if they like me, better get out my mind reading machine." (Savanna gets some credit for this one)
•A cork-a spork, with added knife at the end, and possibly a straw. (Wendy helped me with this one)
•Diaper changing robot. I think this is pretty self explanatory.
•A pencil, where what you drew turned real, but changed to actually look normal. So if I draw a monkey, and it looks a little weird because I'm a bad artist, it turns into a real, normal looking monkey.
•Mascara you can sleep in without getting gross dark circles under your eyes.
Feel free to tell me things that you think would be awesome.
•Clothes that produce heat. (I actually came up with this when I was like in 4th grade, it's in my year book)
•Clothes that don't get dirty, including smell and everything. Then you will never have to do laundry, which totally sucks.
•A mind reading machine. One that only reads the thoughts that you want to hear. Such as "I wonder if they like me, better get out my mind reading machine." (Savanna gets some credit for this one)
•A cork-a spork, with added knife at the end, and possibly a straw. (Wendy helped me with this one)
•Diaper changing robot. I think this is pretty self explanatory.
•A pencil, where what you drew turned real, but changed to actually look normal. So if I draw a monkey, and it looks a little weird because I'm a bad artist, it turns into a real, normal looking monkey.
•Mascara you can sleep in without getting gross dark circles under your eyes.
Feel free to tell me things that you think would be awesome.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Adventures into Geekdom
For those who know me well, you know that it is quite a normal occurrence for me to be up late at night. I usually waste my late nights watching TV or just doing pointless stuff on Facebook. However, the past few nights have been spent in a surprisingly different way. I have in fact been sucked into the geek vortex. My friend introduced me to Perfect World, it is a mmorpg(that's right I'm even learning to speak the geek language) or massive multiplayer online role playing game.
The first night I didn't think much of it. I created my character, and started to check out the game. I had no clue what I was doing, as I have never entered into these levels of geekery before, so my friend played the game with me to help me out (thanks Jonathan). I started to figure things out, kill the little bug like creatures and get prizes. Pretty simple. The more buggy things you kill, the more experience you get. I leveled up the very next day. That was so exciting. I had to keep playing so that I could level up more.
The next step for me was fulfilling quests. I was sent on little missions by different people to do certain things. Kill so many of the beetle kings, talk to apothecary and simple things like that. Finishing a quest is awesome though! Some quests are so awesome you can level up by just finishing one quest. The more you level up, the harder the quests get, but that's fine because the more you finish the powerful you become. Becoming more powerful is pretty much exhilarating. I'm already a level 7.
Needless to say, I have become slightly addicted to this game. I never understood how nerds could play games for hours and hours...but now I do. Of course some things in this game still confuse me, like why that jewel thing gave me a pumpkin head for a little while...and what good did the pumpkin head do me? I think I'll figure it out though, hopefully by the time I'm powerful enough to kill those creepy land mermaid things that scared the crap out of me. *twitch*
The first night I didn't think much of it. I created my character, and started to check out the game. I had no clue what I was doing, as I have never entered into these levels of geekery before, so my friend played the game with me to help me out (thanks Jonathan). I started to figure things out, kill the little bug like creatures and get prizes. Pretty simple. The more buggy things you kill, the more experience you get. I leveled up the very next day. That was so exciting. I had to keep playing so that I could level up more.
The next step for me was fulfilling quests. I was sent on little missions by different people to do certain things. Kill so many of the beetle kings, talk to apothecary and simple things like that. Finishing a quest is awesome though! Some quests are so awesome you can level up by just finishing one quest. The more you level up, the harder the quests get, but that's fine because the more you finish the powerful you become. Becoming more powerful is pretty much exhilarating. I'm already a level 7.
Needless to say, I have become slightly addicted to this game. I never understood how nerds could play games for hours and hours...but now I do. Of course some things in this game still confuse me, like why that jewel thing gave me a pumpkin head for a little while...and what good did the pumpkin head do me? I think I'll figure it out though, hopefully by the time I'm powerful enough to kill those creepy land mermaid things that scared the crap out of me. *twitch*
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Getting Things Started
A few days ago I decided to reread a list that I wrote about 3 or 4 years ago. The list consisted of two sections: "Stuff I like and/or are addicted to" and "Things that annoy and/or tick me off". I think that a great way to start my new blog will be posting an updated (and MUCH shorter) version of this list. So here it goes.
Let's start off on the positive side.
Here are some things I like:
♥Msn messenger. No one ever gets on anymore, but I have hopes it will come back into the spotlight.
♥When you think you are going to lose a game, and you end up winning! That is awesome.
♥Pigs. They have been my favorite animal for as long as I can remember.
♥Orange tic tacs. Those things are delicious. I eat them like candy.
♥People who can laugh at themselves. Too many people are way too serious.
♥Jon and Kate plus 8. It's like my new favorite show. Those kids are super cute.
♥Peanut butter and bacon sandwiches. It sounds gross, but don't knock it until you try it.
Now, here are some things I'm not so fond of:
•When someone steals your answer to a question. It's so not cool, either you have to come up with a new answer, or say nothing at all.
•Stupid questions. There is such a thing, thank you very much.
•People who pretend to be nice. I would much rather have you be mean than fake.
•Getting goo in your hair. I seriously hate that, especially if I just washed it.
•When you can't think of an instrument that start with F...and you play one. That happened to me during Scategories once.
•When people try to wake me up. I'm ferocious when tired. I do not recommend trying this.
•Nasty Jelly Belly flavors. Uh, chocolate? Are you kidding me? That should not be a jelly bean flavor, gross.
Let's start off on the positive side.
Here are some things I like:
♥Msn messenger. No one ever gets on anymore, but I have hopes it will come back into the spotlight.
♥When you think you are going to lose a game, and you end up winning! That is awesome.
♥Pigs. They have been my favorite animal for as long as I can remember.
♥Orange tic tacs. Those things are delicious. I eat them like candy.
♥People who can laugh at themselves. Too many people are way too serious.
♥Jon and Kate plus 8. It's like my new favorite show. Those kids are super cute.
♥Peanut butter and bacon sandwiches. It sounds gross, but don't knock it until you try it.
Now, here are some things I'm not so fond of:
•When someone steals your answer to a question. It's so not cool, either you have to come up with a new answer, or say nothing at all.
•Stupid questions. There is such a thing, thank you very much.
•People who pretend to be nice. I would much rather have you be mean than fake.
•Getting goo in your hair. I seriously hate that, especially if I just washed it.
•When you can't think of an instrument that start with F...and you play one. That happened to me during Scategories once.
•When people try to wake me up. I'm ferocious when tired. I do not recommend trying this.
•Nasty Jelly Belly flavors. Uh, chocolate? Are you kidding me? That should not be a jelly bean flavor, gross.
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